Sushi for beginners

Friday, August 19, 2005

Still Not Well

I haven't been able to write much. Yumna's throwing up seems to be in control but she still has diarrhea. for two days i was relieved since my only problem was her tightly shut mouth and a watery stool once a day. then when she did eat a bit, her diarrhea seems iuncontrollable. I had to put her on medication i had so wanted to avoid. Medication means loss of appetite for Yumna and as it is she weighs only 8.6 kg at 14 mnths. Now, on top of it all, she is on a diet control. The semi solids that i can let her eat are obviously tasteless! Distressing...!

what really did get to me was now even Yumna is losing patience with her condition. On the first night, my little brave girl did not give in to crying. After being subjected to nausea for hours she did not even cry when she threw up. She did not bother waking up her parents but came and sat next to my sleeping form and started playing! it was when she threw up again, some of it touched my hair- and woke me up! She threw up 4-5 times yet not once did she cry. her bravery made me want to cry! now after 4 days, she is weary. the stomach aches are now getting to her. i feel for her, i really do. My poor baby. I'm hoping she gets well soon and her paed is not forced to start an antibiotic!


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